NAMA Launches New Advocacy Website

June 4, 2013

NAMA announces the launch of a new Website which features comprehensive information related to the association’s advocacy efforts.  The Website, titled, was created especially for NAMA members by the government affairs team in partnership with the U.S. Chamber of Commerce.

“We are thrilled to launch to provide a source for ‘one-stop shopping’ for all current information, research and data related to NAMA’s legislative work,” said Eric Dell, NAMA’s senior vice president of government affairs in a prepared statement.

“We believe this tool will be greatly valued and used by members, particularly as it relates to grassroots initiatives,” he continued.  “It’s an easy and convenient way for members to participate in the process of advocacy.  We hope members agree they’ll find hugely significant information at their fingertips.”

The site will be regularly updated with new information posted on an ongoing basis. The process of monitoring state and federal issues will be reflected in the evolving content.

“As members utilize NAMAVoice, we plan to continuously improve it with their comments and input,” said Dell. 


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National Automatic Merchandising Association (NAMA)

May 7, 2009
Executive Staff Carla Balakgie, FASAE, CAE, President & CEO Dan Mathews, NCE5, CCS, Executive Vice President & COO Bill Meierling, Senior Vice President, External Affairs...