Pepsi Beverages Co. To Halt Manufacturing In Baltimore, Md., Blames City Beverage Tax

Jan. 11, 2011
Pepsi Beverages Co. To Halt Manufacturing In Baltimore, Md., Blames City Beverage Tax

Pepsi Beverages Co. (PBC) will end production at its beverage plant in Baltimore, Md., resulting in around 75 job losses in the city, according to The company noted that this decision was made partly owing to a controversial new 2-cent beverage tax in Baltimore.

For the full story click here.

Editor's Insight: While the beverage tax wasn't the only factor in Pepsi's decision to stop production at this facility, this news should serve as a warning to lawmakers everywhere that taxes not only threaten people's jobs, but can ultimately be self defeating.

The purpose of the tax was to raise revenue, but by killing jobs, the tax will reduce revenue from lost payroll taxes. 01-11-10 Elliot Maras