Featured In Automatic Merchandiser: Customers Will Pay For Better Water

Oct. 21, 2011
The October Automatic Merchandiser reports consumer demand for better quality water has created a growing market for point-of-use water systems and water filters.

The October Automatic Merchandiser reports consumer demand for better quality water has created a growing market for point-of-use water systems and water filters. To read the article, click here

Editor’s Insight: Point-of-use water was one of the opportunities for coffee service operators that were highlighted during this week’s CoffeeTea&Water show in Las Vegas.

Ross Colbert, global beverage strategist for Rabobank, an international bank, cited point-of-use water as one of the options that coffee service operators should consider as they confront a more challenging market. VendingMarketWatch reported on his presentation on 10-19-11.

The tabletop exhibits in Las Vegas included numerous water systems, including some with new and exciting features. 10-21-11 By Elliot Maras