Philadelphia, PA, Restaurant Puts Salads In Vending Machines

Jan. 15, 2019

The Couch Tomato has moved beyond serving customers in its restaurant and is now providing salads and soups in the workplace, according to KYW Newsradio. The fresh organic salads and homemade soups are sold in jars, stocked daily and any that don't sell are donated to charity. Price is about $8. Couch Tomato already has a vending machine at an office building and plans to not only expand to more locations, but also begin offering breakfast items. 


Farmers Fridge 11223053

Salad Vending Machines To Emerge In California

Nov. 19, 2014
Chicago-based Farmer’s Fridge salad vending machines will be expanding to Los Angeles, CA, according to the L.A. Times. Farmer’s Fridge, which launched one year ago, prepares ...
Farmer's Fridge machine

Farmer's Fridge Adds 18 Fresh Item Vending Machines In Chicago, Ill.

April 17, 2014
Farmer’s Fridge will be adding 18 new healthy food vending machines in the Chicago, Ill.-area, according to Kiosk Marketplace. The company launched its first machine in the fall...
Farmer's Fridge machine

Farmer's Fridge Launches Salad Vending Machines

Dec. 26, 2013
Farmer’s Fridge, a company dedicated to vending salads from specially designed kiosks, has placed a salad vender in Chicago, Ill. It accepts credit cards, uses a touchscreen and...