Growth + Innovation = A Renaissance

Oct. 7, 2013

Our industry has seen dark days since the recession hit, but it’s clear we’re beyond them. While we can’t rest on our laurels, we can take heart that things are on the upswing — and that NAMA has done much to prepare us for this inflection point.

Guiding our efforts is the recently implemented NAMA strategic plan. This powerful tool has already helped us move the needle in key areas. This progress is detailed in the midyear update, but I’d like to share some highlights with you here.

Reinvigorating advocacy

NAMA’s government affairs team has completely stepped up its game, increasing our relationships with elected officials in Washington and across the country. NAMA is on top of the issues and recognized as a valuable resource by legislators from both sides of the aisle as well as federal agencies.

If you haven’t seen the enhanced NAMAVoice advocacy portal (, check it out. It offers comprehensive updates on the issues we’re facing and helping to manage, nationally and in your state.

Supporting young leaders

With the formation of the Emerging Leaders Network, NAMA is encouraging young industry professionals to advance in their careers and make a difference in the association and the future.

Taking the lead on nutrition

NAMA continues to work to enlighten our detractors, engage our stakeholders and show we care about consumers, including providing nutrition information to help them in their food and beverage choices. Based on your feedback, we’re creating an online NAMA nutrition center as a one-stop shop for nutrition-related data, news, tools, standards and more.

Fostering innovation

Our ability to grow as an industry will be fueled by the innovation in office coffee, single-cup brewers and micro markets. NAMA is committed to providing the leadership, education, support and resources that will help our members grow and prosper.

Micro markets — what an opportunity! I wouldn’t have believed 10 years ago that I would be expanding our company’s offerings to include office supplies, drug store items, salads and sandwiches. NAMA’s popular micro market seminars are advancing growth in this area by providing much-needed strategic and operational information for this channel.

Dynamic events

At Advocacy in Action, our second annual public policy conference, NAMA’s board of directors delivered our important messages and worked to build relationships that will help us fight potentially harmful legislation.

November brings us to Nashville for CTW 2013. Read more about this not to be missed industry event on page 13.

Gathering success stories

Networking is a valued benefit of NAMA membership. To help encourage more interaction, we are asking you to share your stories with the NAMA staff, from business successes to interesting personal stories.

Last but certainly not least – my thanks and congratulations on achieving the Positioning for Growth goal!  It is so thoroughly gratifying to chair NAMA at this time, as our association has come together to make such a significant investment in the future of our industry. I am excited about the opportunities in front of us and look forward to working with you to achieve even more.


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National Automatic Merchandising Association (NAMA)

May 7, 2009
Executive Staff Carla Balakgie, FASAE, CAE, President & CEO Dan Mathews, NCE5, CCS, Executive Vice President & COO Bill Meierling, Senior Vice President, External Affairs Dean...