Automatic Merchandiser and are calling for nominations for our 2016 Pros to Know award.
Here at Automatic Merchandiser we thought about how we could highlight the success of more than just one operator, manufacturer, distributor and broker. We wanted to showcase those teams and individuals who work tirelessly day in and day out all year to make their company and the industry better – and so the Pros to Know award was born.
If you’re an operator who is proud of the work your team has done this year, nominate your team today as 2016 Pros to Know!
Or perhaps you’re an individual (or you know an individual) who has succeeded in finding a solution to a company-wide problem—nominate yourself or your colleague to become a Pro to Know!
Nominations will be accepted until Nov. 2. All winners, as well as their accomplishments and contributions, will be appear in the December issue of Automatic Merchandiser.
So don’t wait…Nominate today!