Avanti Markets, Elyssa Allahyar-Steiner, talks about Micro Markets with Fox 5 KVVU-TV Local Las Vegas

May 8, 2015

While in attendance at the NAMA OneShow, FOX 5 News KVVU-TV Local in Las Vegas interviewed Elyssa Allahyar-Steiner VP of Sales and Marketing for Avanti Markets Inc. on how micro markets are game changers for the consumer experience. FOX 5, who has a micro market in their breakroom, says micro markets are the latest and greatest in vending machines and that the technology could revolutionize your snack and coffee break experience.

Our industry is worth around $42 billion dollars and is growing because of advancements in technology for both vending machine and new innovations like micro markets. This behind the scenes interview was live from the NAMA Oneshow floor. Elyssa gave insight on the reasons micro markets are the future of this industry, “With Micro Markets, it’s a huge trend within the industry. You can shop the market, consumers can look at the items before they purchase them, they are getting a bigger variety, healthier choices, and then they can go up to a self-checkout kiosk and make their purchase at the kiosk.”

She went on to say, “there is a lot of advancement on how the consumer engagement happens whether it's wanting to pay with Apple Pay, utilizing a mobile app for payment, paying with a market card, credit or debit, whatever it is the consumer decides how they interact with their market.”

Micro markets are about giving the consumer choices and variety and at the same time you want to look at the nutritional content before you purchase the item. “See how fresh the salad or sandwich is before just looking at it in a vending machine. I think people are moving away from wanting to give traditional vending to their employees and give a revamp of what they are offering their employees with a micro market,” said Elyssa Allahyar-Steiner.

Founded in 2009, Avanti Markets is the leading Micro Market provider; Avanti’s platform provides operators with tools to enhance profitability and efficiency within their operations. Visit Avanti Markets on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, or www.AvantiMarkets.com
