In Challenging Times, You Need a Capable Advocate

April 15, 2009

Do you wake up and feel like you’ve lost money overnight and you’re being forced to do more with less? It’s times like these that the National Automatic Merchandising Association (NAMA) becomes even more relevant. When you’re facing a problem and funds are short, NAMA can help you educate your employees, find professional consultants, save money on products and services, understand technology, uncover best practices, or learn how to do more with less.

For example, did you know that coffee service is a market with significant growth potential? NAMA has launched a sweeping array of resources to help our members better understand and benefit from opportunities surrounding coffee service, including the Quality Coffee Certification Program to help members learn how to deliver this service professionally and enjoy the extra earnings.


The NAMA Coffee Summit is another resource designed to help members grow their businesses. Hundreds of coffee service operators participated in our first 2008 Coffee Summit and raved about the invaluable business advice and networking opportunities, which is why it is now a mainstay NAMA event.

The next Coffee Summit will be held June 15 to 17 in Cherry Hill, N.J.

Almost everyone understands that technology can make an operation more productive and generate more income. However, for many busy executives who already feel like they are bombarded with technological information, it might seem too daunting to even try to understand everything they need to know.


NAMA has its very own Michigan State University endowed professor, Dr. Michael Kasavana, who specializes in all aspects of industry technology ranging from data exchange standards to wireless or cashless payment systems. As our industry’s leading independent expert, he works to transfer his in-depth knowledge of technology to our members.

Working with Dr. Kasavana and our technology committee, NAMA also offers a number of specialized education sessions and other resources devoted exclusively to helping our members understand how they can implement systems to achieve goals more easily.

NAMA is also working to protect you from any number of government legislative issues that could harm your business. For example, NAMA has been working with the U. S. Chamber of Commerce to fight the Employee Free Choice Act, better known as “Card Check.”

Card Check is a proposed law organized labor is pushing through Congress that would enable unions to invade small businesses and do away with secret ballot elections for workers during organizing campaigns. Card Check would give union organizers free reign to pressure workers into signing authorization cards.

Once enough workers were “persuaded” to sign, the union would be automatically certified, and it would be illegal for workers to have a secret ballot election. Worse yet, Card Check would set a compressed schedule for employers to bargain with their new union, and if an agreement isn’t reached in 120 days, a federal government arbitrator would be appointed to dictate contract terms.


The legislation also imposes dramatic new penalties on employers for violations of the National Labor Relations Act, but not a single new penalty on unions or labor organizers. If enacted, businesses would be required to campaign year round because they would have no notice of union activity until the cards were already signed and delivered, as opposed to the structured campaigning we have today that takes place prior to a secret ballot vote.

It is imperative for members to help by contacting their senators and representatives to oppose this unfair legislation.

NAMA delivers a multitude of educational programs and resources, especially critical during these difficult economic times.

About the Author

Dan Mathews | NCE

Dan Mathews, NCE, is the senior vice president and chief operating officer of the National Automatic Merchandising Association.


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National Automatic Merchandising Association (NAMA)

May 7, 2009
Founded in 1936, NAMA is the association representing the $34.9 billion US convenience services industry. With nearly 1,000 member companies — including many of the world’s most...