VendTek Wholesale Equipment, Inc. Adds Automatic Products Line

Feb. 22, 2011
VendTek Wholesale Equipment, Inc. Adds Automatic Products Line

VendTek Wholesale Equipment, Inc. of Wixom, Mich. has attained the Automatic Products line. VendTek's offering of Crane, GPL, Crane Dixie Narco and now Crane Automatic Products nearly puts Crane Merchandising Systems (CMS) in Michigan operators' own back yard for parts, service and equipment.

Ron Barnes, director of sales at CMS, said in a prepared statement, "We are delighted to have VendTek on board to support our product in Michigan. Over the years VendTek has shown continued growth and proven to be loyal to CRANE in its support of both equipment and its customer base. We hope for their continued success."

VendTek plans to allow operators in trading in their older equipment for newer updated models. For information, visit VendTek Wholesale Equipment, Inc. at