Use Grand Openings As A Training Tool

Jan. 1, 2018

Installing a micro market takes an investment. Ensure a return by holding a grand opening.

Lure employees with incentives

Offer free samples for employees at the new micro market location. Tempt them with a drawing for something special if they come down to the breakroom. Decorate the break area with balloons and streamers. What ever you do, use incentives to draw in the end user and get them educated about the micro market. Many people have reservations about new technology and paying with cashless. By enticing employees to come down to your grand opening, you can show off the new micro market, sign up as many employees as possible and alleviate any lingering fears of the new set up. It's important to make the end user feel comfortable and confident that he or she can interact with the market successfully.

Have answers ready to the following questions: How does check out work? How does the system keep my credit information secure? What do I do if I have a problem, such as it won't take my card or it won't scan the product? Why can't I just pay with cash every time? Why did you get rid of the vending machines? These are worries that can keep consumers from buying at a micro market. Alleviate their fears and use the question to sell this new, better service. This is a chance to interact with the end user, the one who is ultimately feeding your bottom line. Use it to your advantage. 

Have drivers and other staff attend

Make the grand opening an event for other members of your operation. Route drivers and customer support staff especially will benefit from attending. Not only will they learn how the micro market system is supposed to work, but also hear first hand the reservations of the consumers. Later, when an employee stops the driver with a question about the kiosk, he or she won't be unsure how to answer. Customer service personnel can better relate to client fears and know the proper way to respond. Even service technicians can benefit from seeing the kiosk in action. It allows them to understand how the entire system fits together and how people interact with the kiosk/equipment which may have lead to a failure.

Additional resources related to grand openings:

Royal Vending Uses Signage & Incentives To Grow Enthusiasm Around Micro Market Grand Openings

Micro Market Grand Openings – It’s A Party