No-Calorie Sweeteners Continue to Resonate with Consumers

Despite the introduction of new sweetener innovations and shifts in consumer tastes, demand for no-calorie sweeteners (NCS) in foodservice has remained relatively constant, according to a new survey from the food research firm Technomic.*

Interestingly, younger users are helping to maintain demand. For example, while no-calorie sweetener use is common among all age groups, 77 percent of those consumers between the ages of 25 to 34 surveyed reported that they enjoy using these products “somewhat or a lot.” And when it comes to sweetening coffee purchased in major foodservice channels, this same group is most likely to use a no-calorie sweetener to do so: 84 percent report using NCS in fast casual locations with 91 percent reporting use in fine dining.

Foodservice operators are taking steps to proactively appeal to their health-conscious customers. About half of operators surveyed reported that they list calorie counts on their menus, with 82 percent of quick service operators reporting that they do so. Federally-mandated menu labeling legislation becomes effective on December 1, 2016, so this number will be increasing across all channels.

With the increasing availability of, and attention paid to, calorie counts and other nutritional information, consumers can more easily make informed dietary choices. Similarly, by using a no-calorie sweetener, such as SPLENDA® No Calorie Sweetener, consumers can maintain control of their calorie consumption.

The study reports that, among no-calorie sweeteners, more consumers prefer SPLENDA® No Calorie Sweetener over any other brand of no-calorie sweetener available at foodservice. SPLENDA® No Calorie Sweetener is not only preferred by consumers, but it has a larger market share than any other no-calorie sweetener in all major foodservice channels, including, coffee, café, and convenience.

Referring back to that younger demographic, SPLENDA® was ranked as the favorite no-calorie sweetener brand by those consumers between the ages of 25 and 34 participating in the survey. According to Technomic, these younger consumers are particularly loyal as they were early adopters of the brand.

When choosing which sweeteners to offer, it is important to appeal to a wide variety of consumers, but why not also offer them the brand they prefer.

*Technomic, Category Assessment: Sweeteners, June 2015. Sponsored by McNeil Nutritionals, LLC.

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