NAMA Member Alert : Cook County Commission Passes "Penny-Per-Ounce" Soda Tax

Nov. 11, 2016
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NAMA’s Government Affairs Team has been informed that the Cook County Commission in Illinois has just voted to PASS the “penny-per-ounce” tax on beverages with sugar, like sports drinks, juice drinks, teas and soda. 

The controversial measure had the Commission split, passing by a narrow margin of 9 to 8. 

In spite of its passage, NAMA sincerely thanks the leadership and members of the Illinois Automatic Merchandising Council (IAMC) and our coalition partners in the beverage industry for actively opposing this tax since its proposal, and for testifying at Commission hearings across the county over the last several weeks. They strongly urged the Commission to consider the impacts that this tax will have on the industry, such as reduced sales and increased operating costs, two things that will in turn negatively impact vending operators and bottlers, their employees, suppliers, distributors and retailers. 

Accordingly, NAMA will continue to monitor the tax and its implementation in the weeks ahead and inform you of any new developments as they become available. Should you have any questions, please contact NAMA Legislative Director, Sheree Edwards at [email protected].


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National Automatic Merchandising Association (NAMA)

May 7, 2009
Executive Staff Carla Balakgie, FASAE, CAE, President & CEO Dan Mathews, NCE5, CCS, Executive Vice President & COO Bill Meierling, Senior Vice President, External Affairs...