Micro Market Branding – the Competitive Advantage

Aug. 27, 2020

Before I even considered plugging in my first kiosk, I knew that I needed to establish a brand. Four years later, clients were referring to our “Venue Fresh” markets by name. “Can I get a Venue Fresh Market in my new location?” It was music to my ears.

Branding should be a top priority for micro market operators, and it is especially important for newcomers seeking instant credibility.

After seeing the positive impact of carrying private label products, it was clear to me that a branded micro market could provide an operator with multiple benefits and a clear competitive advantage. Once established, a micro market with a brand will build customer loyalty.

“In the last design newsletter, we talked about the new Aramark branded micro market which features a wide variety of custom materials,” said Steve Orlando, an experienced operator of 10 years who co-founded Fixturelite, the leading supplier of micro market retail displays, equipment and graphic design features. “In reality, we can help any operator establish a brand for themselves,” he added.

An immediate benefit of a branded micro market is credibility. “When your micro market has the same streamlined look from one location to another, clients are immediately assured that the operator is focused on delivering a consistent level of quality,” said Orlando. “By partnering with Fixturelite operators have access to additional products and design features, such as personalized graphics, enhanced lighting, merchandising systems and phone charging stations. With any of our micro market collections, an operator can offer clients a market with some unique, turn-key solutions that help to complete the employee experience and customer journey.”

Of course, product selection is also important in establishing a brand. Example: Providing beloved locally sourced products such as a premium ice cream treat, a highly craved sandwich or a popular regional soft drink in all of your markets will endear clients to your thoughtful approach to menu selections. Product selections that generate interest can go a long way in establishing what your brand is all about.

The new Aramark model, a long-term project for Fixturelite, combines a custom designed market with client centric personalization, as the signage reflects aspects of the client’s corporate culture. “Aramark has taken branding to another level, and for other operators, striving for a sense of design continuity among their markets will have an extremely positive impact on their micro market business,” said Orlando. “Best of all, we can deliver continuity and help you save money in the process.”

Orlando especially urges the many newcomers to the micro market business to explore a consistent look and a branded market early on. “It is much easier and less expensive to install a high quality, consistently branded micro market in the beginning, than to revamp markets due to competitive pressure down the line,” said Orlando. “For operators who don’t commit to quality and continuity, there will be plenty of competitive pressure.”

Learn more about branding your micro markets to gain a competitive advantage at www.fixturelite.com

Industry consultant Bob Tullio (www.tullioB2B.com) is a content specialist who advises operators in the convenience services industry on how to build a successful business from the ground up. Tullio just launched a You Tube Channel, b2b Perspective, designed to “elevate your business in 2 minutes” and is currently developing an online course, “Leverage the power of LinkedIn to grow your business.”

As he is a recognized industry expert in business development and sales, NAMA hired him to write and narrate the new online course, “Selling Convenience Services,” which is now available. Use discount code B2B10 for an instant discount and for free access to upcoming Q & A Webinars from Tullio in the coming months. Here is a free sample of the course.

About the Author

Bob Tullio

Bob Tullio is a content specialist, speaker, sales trainer, consultant and contributing editor of Automatic Merchandiser and VendingMarketWatch.com. He advises entrepreneurs on how to build a successful business from the ground up. He specializes in helping suppliers connect with operators in the convenience services industry — coffee service, vending, micro markets and pantry service specifically. He can be reached at 818 261-1758 and [email protected]. Tullio welcomes your feedback.

Subscribe to Automatic Merchandiser’s new podcast, Vending & OCS Nation, which Tullio hosts. Each episode is designed to make your business more profitable.