Georgia Tech Students Design pH Balancing Coffee Filter

March 9, 2018

Four materials science and engineering majors from Georgia Institute of Technology have created a filter to reduce coffee's acidity, which they call pHAMaccording to Georgia Tech News. The students' idea came from wanting to fix the problem of coffee's natural acidity and the health detriments associated with it. The key to their design was incorporating a mineral blend into the structure of the filter paper which reduces the acidity of the brewed coffee without negatively affecting the taste. The pHAM filter fits in standard coffee maker and allows the grounds to brew normally. The students' creation is one of six competing for Georgia Tech's annual invention competition, the InVenture Prize, and the 2018 winner will be picked on March 14. It is also their project for their spring Capstone Design Expoa showcase of Georgia Tech’s graduating seniors as they present their innovations designed and built during the Capstone Design Course