Best-Ever Winter Quarter Three Reports National Beverage Corp.

March 11, 2016

FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--National Beverage Corp. today reported nine-month revenues top half-billion dollars – a first!

“Last September 2015, National Beverage’s earnings release stated: This all translates into the ‘perfect time’ with the most significant potential for our Break-Out Year. Well, our predictions were accurate in several ways. Revenues, operating income, net income and EPS are all on target, but masterfully more significant are the brand growth factors and performance milestone achievements during this period since September,” stated Nick A. Caporella, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer.

“Let’s begin with brand growth factors and performance milestone achievements: Brand LaCroix performance milestones include new theme extension performance of VPO (velocity per outlet) dynamics previously unheard of, plus nearly 100% accretive sales increases during recent retailer/National Beverage partner promotions. These events far exceeded our planned expectations . . . further confirming LaCroix’s consumers’ healthy demands."

"Equally as profound was the launch of Shasta’s SDA (soft drink alternative), a sparkling water that whole-heartedly duplicates Shasta’s delicious nostalgic flavors . . . including the industry’s first clean label. Rich in earned equity of family trust for over 125 years, Shasta Sparkling is now far superior due to its healthy Innocence of naturally-essenced, flavored sparkling water.

There is a certain intuitive sense one has when long-awaited circumstances align. Like the sunrise of a new dawn – clear, crisp, burst of orange rising from the distant horizon, I now have a sense that our healthy beverage evolution is a certainty. We will have a great FY2016 – and beyond! Never quite like this present time, has the promise belonging to National Beverage been this exciting. The goals for our brands, shareholder value, balance sheet, revenues, earnings and cash buildup are all aglow like that orange ball rising; Shouting Loudly – yes . . . it’s all happening right now!

We are euphoric to say the least – with the promise of LaCroix and Shasta SDA along with Everfresh Juices and Rip It Energy. Truly, good fortune and sparkling blessings are showering upon us – and the future is ours to – embrace!exclaimed Caporella.

Full report


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Carbonated beverages

National Beverage Corporation

Nov. 11, 2015
National Beverage Corp. is an American beverage developer, manufacturer, and distributor based in Fort Lauderdale, Florida focused on flavored soft drinks.