New European Energy Measurement Standard For Vending Machines

Dec. 7, 2015

Brussels, 7 December 2015The European Committee for Standardisation (CEN) and the European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardisation (CENELEC) have published a new approved methodology for measuring the energy consumption of refrigerated vending machines.

The purpose of this new standard – EN 50597(2015) - is to officially harmonise the calculation of the consumption of refrigerated vending machines, and to allow the European Commission in enacting legislation to reference this as an approved calculation method for vending machine manufacturers across Europe. Specifically, the expected EU Regulations on Ecodesign and Energy Labelling Requirements for refrigerated vending machines, which are anticipated to be approved early next year and enter into force in 2017, required a linked European-wide measurement standard.

The existing European Vending Association (EVA) Energy Measurement Protocol (EMP) will be replaced by EN 50597 by 2017. Indeed, as the new standard is based on the EVA EMP 3.0a, early testing of EN 50597 has indicated broadly similar energy consumption results as the EVA EMP.

Until the entry into force of the new EU Regulations for refrigerated vending machines in 2017, the EVA advises that the EVA EMP 3.0a can still be used as the reference document for calculating the energy efficiency of a refrigerated vending machine. However, the EVA does ask that refrigerated vending manufacturers now also test their machines according to EN 50597, and can present consumption results to their customers alongside the EMP calculations.  It should be minded that the energy rating scale provided by the EMP is for (strictly internal) comparison purposes.

We are pleased to announce that a range of EVA Members were largely responsible for the significant work undertaken in order to produce this document and achieve European approval. It is expected that not only the European Union will able to reference the new standard in their legislation, but also all national governments and institutions will use it for determining tenders or other benchmark requirements.

For more information on EN 50597 and for purchase options, please consult the CENELEC website:

The existing EMP can be downloaded from the EVA website:

About the European Vending Association

The European Vending Association (EVA) is a not-for-profit organisation established and situated in Brussels since 1994. It represents the interests of the European coffee service and vending industry vis-à-vis the European Institutions and other relevant authorities or bodies. Its membership is composed of national associations and individual companies across Europe. The EVA represents all segments of the coffee service, water dispenser and vending industry: machine and component manufacturers, suppliers of commodities (coffee, ingredients, snacks, cold drinks, cups etc.), and operators.