Convenience Drives Consumer Breakfast Choices

Aug. 18, 2015

When it comes to breakfast, Americans are looking for convenience and quality taste.

A new study by consumer insights platform provider Instantly reveals more than half of Americans do not consistently eat breakfast every day of the week, with 12 percent rarely eating breakfast at all. For those who rarely have breakfast, lack of time is the second most-selected reason for not doing so, next to not having an appetite in the morning.

"In the U.S., with longer work days that break out of the 9-5 model, timing and convenience has become a deciding factor in what many Americans eat in the morning," said Andy Jolls, chief marketing officer at Instantly. "But that doesn't mean demand for breakfast foods is low. If companies can provide breakfast in a format that accommodates busy schedules while appealing to taste and nutrition, they could see significant incremental growth."

According to the study, when time is a constraint, Americans are likely to get something on the go (43 percent) or skip the meal all together (21 percent). When eating on the go, 63 percent of respondents might grab something from home, 45 percent would go to a drive-thru restaurant and 31 percent might stop at a convenience store or gas station.

When it comes to fast food restaurants, McDonald's dominates preferences. Forty-four percent of respondents agree that McDonald's is their "go-to" for morning eats, compared to Taco Bell (4 percent), Burger King (5 percent) and Jack in the Box (4 percent). While 52 percent of Americans believe fast food menus have become healthier in the last year, 57 percent are still concerned about the nutritional content of fast food breakfast. Yet 72 percent of respondents believe fast food chains should sell breakfast items all day.

To see the complete results of the study, click here.  

Editor’s Note: Breakfast is a daypart that operators, both in micro markets and vending, can take better advantage of. Consumers are not only looking for breakfast items that are convenient, but they are also looking for “all-day” breakfast items. Operators, it might be worth taking a look at your breakfast offerings to see where you can improve.