New Online Calculator Gauges How Snacks Measure Up To USDA School Vending Guidelines

April 22, 2014

Alliance for a Healthier Generation has posted a “Smart Snacks” calculator on its Website, which allows users to enter nutritional information about a specific product to see if it meets the U.S. Department of Agriculture Smart Snacks in School Guidelines. The product calculator uses the type of product, first ingredient, servicing size, calories, fat, sodium and sugars to determine compliance. If the product is not compliant, the calculator displays the reason such as the calories from total fat exceed 35 percent. Try calculator.


Usda School Vending Rules 11312617

USDA Will Not Grant School Vending Waivers

March 21, 2014
The latest news from NAMA is that a waiver program for schools struggling to meet the new requirements of the Smart Snacks in School Standards, including the snacks in school ...