NAMA announced that OneShow attendees are invited to attend the free education session Organizational Culture: The Impact on Growth & Profitability at this year’s OneShow.
The session aims to help attendees lower turnover rates, grow their bottom line, increase customer satisfaction scores and improve management effectiveness. Attendees will also learn about a program developed by Canteen’s top franchise, Five Star Food Service, and Culture by Choice, who together will moderate the session. Their program has helped the Five Star Food Service grow its top line by 81 percent and reduce turnover by 72 percent. This is important, as losing a route driver can cost an operation as much as $15,000. Five Star also saw its earnings before interest, depreciation and amortization (EBIDA) grow by 118 percent.
Al Recher, CEO/president of Five Star Food Service, is excited to share with others the secret to their success. “Culture by Choice has been instrumental in facilitating the alignment between our people and our growth,” Recher said in a prepared statement. “Our work with Culture by Choice has brought numerous benefits to our organization.”
The session will take place from 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. on Friday, April 11. It is free for all OneShow attendees and will feature a panel that includes Recher; Tammy Stokes, Canteen Regional Director, Southeast Division - Compass Group North America; Cheryl Lohner, Founding Partner - Culture by Choice; Larry Hake, Founding Partner - Culture by Choice.
“Come and hear our operator panelists share their compelling story,” said Joann DeNardis, NAMA’s director of education/certification. “Not only will you take away knowledge for your business, you will also have the special opportunity to take advantage of a new product that will be discussed at the session.