NAMA announced the winners of the association’s 2014 Industry Awards. The winners are highlighted by the 2014 NAMA Industry Person of the Year, Marcus Whitener. An active NAMA member who serves on its board, Whitener is the CEO of Refreshment Solutions in New Orleans, La.
“Marc is an excellent choice as the NAMA Industry Person of the Year,” said Dean Gilland, NAMA’s vice president of sales/CTW, in a prepared statement. “He’s committed to the industry as well as his community. We’re very excited for him.”
Whitener is joined by the winners of NAMA’s other Industry Awards:
- Vending Operator of the Year: Dan Marchetti, Rendezvous Vending
- Coffee Service Operator of the Year: David Henchel, Corporate Coffee Systems
- Allied Member of the Year - Vending: Randy Smith, LightSpeed Automation
- Allied Member of the Year - Coffee: Bryan Real, United Food Group
The NAMA Industry Awards are presented to individuals and their companies that best exemplify consistent support of the vending and coffee service industry. These winners have exhibited a history of service to their communities and to the industry through efforts with NAMA and state associations. They are innovative, possess a willingness to expand conventional practices and practice consistent ethical business standards in accordance with the NAMA code of ethics.
The winners will receive their awards April 9 to 11 at the NAMA OneShow in Chicago, Ill. To learn more about the OneShow, visit www.namaoneshow.org.