National Automatic Merchandising Association Growth Campaign Notes Progress Meeting Goal To Fund Advocacy, Research And Thought Leadership

July 2, 2012
The National Automatic Merchandising Association (NAMA) announced that the Positioning for Growth (PFG) Campaign national steering committee convened recently for an organizational planning meeting.

The National Automatic Merchandising Association (NAMA) announced that the Positioning for Growth (PFG) Campaign national steering committee convened recently for an organizational planning meeting.

Twelve industry leaders – including representation from the operator, supplier, coffee roaster, distributor and service provider member verticals – met to discuss a strategic plan for engaging NAMA’s broader membership in the PFG campaign.

“We’ve had tremendous support to date by our leaders, including NAMA board members,” said Jim Terry, chairman of the PFG national steering committee in a prepared statement.  “Our challenge is to ensure that this initiative – planning for our industry’s growth – is as broad-based as possible.”

To date, PFG has secured more than $1.7 million in commitments from NAMA member companies.  This money is earmarked to support both new and existing programs in the areas of advocacy, research, and thought leadership.

Howard Chapman, NSC co-chair and head of NAMA’s coffee committee, noted, “Our steering committee is critical to ensuring that the campaign reaches its goal and is able to fund the visionary initiatives of the future.”

Moving forward, the steering committee will continue to reach out to the membership in hopes of achieving broad member participation and exceeding our funding goal of $5 million, something that both Terry and Chapman believe is possible, given the demonstration of support up to this point.

“While we are taking nothing for granted, we are genuinely grateful for the enthusiastic response we’re getting from our colleagues. We will not stop working toward our goal of supporting the industry…It’s a win-win.  If the industry can support advocacy and marketing efforts for the next five years, it really benefits all of us.”

The national steering committee plans to continue meeting on a regular basis through the culmination of the campaign at the 2013 OneShow, and plans to have more exciting news to announce in the months ahead. For more information on Positioning for Growth, visit


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National Automatic Merchandising Association (NAMA)

May 7, 2009
Executive Staff Carla Balakgie, FASAE, CAE, President & CEO Dan Mathews, NCE5, CCS, Executive Vice President & COO Bill Meierling, Senior Vice President, External Affairs...