Technology, Health Emphasis Highlight Final Spring Expo

May 15, 2009
Convention Spotlight: NAMA Spring Expo

A challenging economy did not stop hundreds of vending and OCS operators from all parts of the country from attending the final National Automatic Merchandising Association Spring Expo, held at the Mandalay Bay Convention Center in Las Vegas, Nev. The trade show featured numerous new products, equipment and technologies, in addition to educational seminars which largely addressed how to use the new tools. Many of the product exhibits featured “better for you” items.'

The keynote address by business author and college basketball analyst Mark Adams, who is also a former college coach, examined fundamentals of leadership and ways to thrive in a difficult environment.

A CBS-TV news crew attended the expo and prepared a feature segment on the vending industry.


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National Automatic Merchandising Association (NAMA)

May 7, 2009
Executive Staff Carla Balakgie, FASAE, CAE, President & CEO Dan Mathews, NCE5, CCS, Executive Vice President & COO Bill Meierling, Senior Vice President, External Affairs Dean...