Report: 50 Percent of U.S. Adults Will Be Obese By 2030

Sept. 20, 2012

A report from the Trust for America's Health and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation titled "F as in Fat," projects that by 2030 half of U.S. adults will be obese if eating habits do not change, according to Reuters. The report builds on recent data released by the Centers For Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) that stated 35.7 percent of adults and nearly 17 percent of children are already obese. Full article


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Report: Majority Of U.S. Adults Consider Themselves Healthy, Only 20 Percent Eat Healthy

Sept. 5, 2012
Consistently 8 out of 10 U.S. adults describe themselves as “extremely healthy” or “very healthy,” but only one-in-five adults have what is considered to be a “most healthy" diet...