Adding a high tax on “unhealthy” food and drinks may help slow the rising rates of obesity, according to a new study published Tuesday in the British Medical Journal, ABC News reported. For the full story, click here.
Editor’s Insight: With the recent news about rising obesity in the U.S., calls for discriminatory taxes on certain foods and beverages should be expected.
At least this news report includes input from an expert who questions the premise of the “fat tax.” Martin Binks, a clinical psychologist, is quoted as saying such a tax “provides no guarantee that the consumer will not simply shift to other unhealthy options and or continue to consume unhealthy quantities of all foods while also getting inadequate physical activity."
Fortunately, other ideas are being advanced by a coalition of concerned organizations VenidngMarketWatch reported on 05-11-12 that more than 70 groups including the American Cancer Society and the National Education Association urged the government to offer grants to promote healthy living initiatives, fund staff training to include wellness programs, support school efforts aimed at nutrition and exercise and track results of such programs. 05-16-12 By Elliot Maras