Applications Accepted For 2012 John Boyle Memorial Scholarship Sponsored By Tri-State Automatic Merchandising Council

March 27, 2012

Applications are being accepted for the John Boyle Memorial Scholarship sponsored by the Tri-State Automatic Merchandising Council for the 2012 Michigan State University/National Automatic Merchandising Association Executive Development Program, Oct. 21 to 25, 2012.

The John Boyle Memorial Scholarship recipient will receive full tuition, plus $250 to assist with travel expenses, to the executive development program, designed for senior level executives, business managers, and mid-level managers in the vending, coffee service, food service and related industries. This scholarship fund is a fitting tribute to Boyle’s desire to teach and educate so many in the vending industry. The scholarship will cover tuition, materials, daily breakfast and lunch, plus two dinners. The winner must pay travel expenses and hotel room costs. 

Boyle had a distinguished career in the vending industry for over 40 years, serving in various senior level sales, operations, and management positions. He is remembered for his many accomplishments, service and dedication to the vending industry and its members. In addition to being honored twice with Tri-State’s Harry Mowery award, given to a person who captures the passion, positive energy and intense love for the vending industry, Boyle was twice the recipient of the NAMA Legislative Award, in 1989 and 1998, for outstanding efforts on behalf of the vending industry. He received an Official Citation from the PA House of Representatives for dedication and distinguished service to the food and beverage vending industry, and a Proclamation from the PA Senate for exemplary record of service, leadership and achievements in keeping with the highest ideals and traditions of the Commonwealth.

For further information on the executive development program, please visit