Farmers Feed Kids Fresh Food In Omaha, Neb. Schools
Sept. 6, 2011
Fresh, local and healthy are the ingredients of an effort called Farm to School, a project that connects local farmers with school districts, according to KETV-TV in Omaha, Neb.
Fresh, local and healthy are the ingredients of an effort called Farm to School, a project that connects local farmers with school districts, according to KETV-TV in Omaha, Neb.
Editor’s Insight: Farmers in many regions have recognized they have a role to play in school nutrition programs. This is one of two stories in today’s VendingMarketWatch about fresh foods being provided in schools.
The refreshment services industry needs to do the same thing.
Vending operators have more “better for you” products to offer than ever before. Operators should be marketing their nutritional offerings aggressively. The media is anxious to report about nutrition. 09-06-11 by Elliot Maras