'Supermarket Guru' Lempert Notes Mobile Marketing Tools Support Growth In Food Trucks
The Lempert Report notes that mobile marketing enhanced by the location, social and camera features of cell phones has encouraged restaurants to launch food trucks since the mobile marketing enables the restaurants to direct consumers to the trucks, according to The Lempert Report.
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Editor’s Insight: There is a lesson for refreshment service operators here.
“The Supermarket Guru” Phil Lempert is a consultant to supermarkets. In his recent newsletter, he alerts supermarkets to the power of “LoSoPhoMo,” mobile marketing enhanced by the location, social and camera features of cell phones which he claims has encouraged restaurants to launch mobile food trucks. If mobile marketing is supporting the development of food trucks, there is no reason it can’t also support vending machines. The vending industry needs to keep abreast of new marketing tools to keep up with the competition. 08-18-11 by Elliot Maras