The Center for Science in the Public Interest and other advocacy groups filed a statement with the Food And Drug Administration not to allow vending companies to post the calories for vending machine items on a sign next to the machine. The CSPI and other groups want vending machines to be required to post the information next to the product.
The comments were sent to the FDA in response to a request for comments; the deadline for comments was July 5, 2011.
For a summary of what these groups are seeking go to:
Editor’s Insight: It should come as no surprise that some advocacy groups want vending operators to post nutrition information with every product, a rule that would be extremely difficult to follow.
VendingMarketWatch noted on several occasions the need for vending operators to offer their suggestions on calorie disclosure rules to the FDA.
The vending industry submitted some good suggestions, through its national association and as individuals. Hopefully, the FDA will release reasonable rules after reviewing all the comments submitted. 07-08-11 by Elliot Maras