Office Coffee Service Webinar Reports A Brew Of Latest Beverage Market Trends: Packaged Facts

April 10, 2018

ROCKVILLE, Md.,-- Coffee and coffee drinks made/dispensed at work play a primary role in meeting employed coffee drinkers' at-work coffee procurement needs, according to Office Coffee Service in the U.S.: Market Trends and Opportunities, 3rd Edition, an upcoming report from market research firm Packaged Facts. 

But given the importance employees place on various coffee-related attributes, employed coffee drinkers' satisfaction with those attributes falls short when applied to their workplace, which suggests that employers can win points by enhancing coffee-related products and services (most employees believe they should not have to pay for coffee at work anyway). Doing so may also translate to growing the bottom line, since employees are likely to view coffee as a productivity tool. 

Employers looking to address employee coffee expectations can look also look to what they do at home. Gen Xers, for example, are more likely to use single-serve/pod machines than other methods to brew their coffee at home. And while pour-over coffee remains a niche, it's catching on at home among urban dwellers. Trends such as these suggest that employees are setting a high quality and convenience bar—if they do leave work to get coffee, coffeehouses and donut shops are their most likely stop. But once niche choices such as espresso and cappuccino are even moving into the quick-service restaurant mainstream, and iced coffee beverages have similarly made headway on quick-service and fast casual restaurant menus. At home or out of the home, quality, flavor, and choice provide the foundation for employees' expectations. 

This is the backdrop that will shape an April 11 National Coffee Association (NCA) webinar featuring Packaged Facts research director David Sprinkle. The Office Coffee Service webinar will lay out the opportunities, challenges and trends shaping the office coffee service market by covering: 

  • Office coffee service market sizing and forecasting 
  • Opportunities and challenges to market growth 
  • Coffee procurement methods and coffee beverage types chosen by employees, including demographic analysis 
  • Employee attitudes related to coffee (including single-cup) and other beverage selections at work 
  • Role of coffee menu trends in office coffee service 

About Office Coffee Service in the U.S.: Market Trends and Opportunities, 3rd Edition 

Coming soon, Office Coffee Service in the U.S.: Market Trends and Opportunities, 3rd Edition, provides insight on opportunities, challenges and trends shaping the U.S. office coffee service market. Scope of analysis is centered on office coffee service provision and employed adults' office coffee usage and attitudes. 

To purchase a copy of Office Coffee Service in the U.S.: Market Trends and Opportunities, 3rd Edition when it publishes, or to view additional information about other reports in Packaged Facts' coffee and tea report back catalog, including report purchase options, abstracts, and table of contents visit:     

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