With the popularity of coffee, it’s unsurprising that people have started using different methods to craft an individual coffee experience at home. This new trend, craft coffee, is growing in popularity. Millennials are twice as likely as Boomers to use craft methods, which include French press, pour over, and siphons to create their own coffee. The movement is being led by foodies who value food as part of their identity, often try new things, prefer local foods and rarely eat out at fast food restaurants. The NPD and CivicScience have created an Infographic about the new movement here.
Editor’s note: While this is at-home brewing, the popularity of this movement is important for office coffee service providers to keep in mind. There is a segment of potential coffee drinkers who want a more individualized, custom, or unique coffee experience. The industry needs to watch this segment and determine if there are opportunities to capitalize on this emerging need in OCS.