Bogota (FNC Press) – As a result of the devastating impact of El Niño phenomenon, Colombian coffee production dropped 7% during June 2016, according to FNC. Total production reached a total of 1.158 million 60 kilo bags, representing a significant decrease compared to the 1.240 million bags produced during June 2015.
As noted by a study developed by the Colombian Coffee Growers Federation (FNC) using a representative sample of more than 7 thousand coffee farms, this drop in production was expected given the estimates pertaining the impact of El Niño in floating fruits, green fruits and trees with wilting symptoms.
However, despite June's falling production, year to date production registered positive growth. Between January and June 2016 production reached a total 6.5 million bags. This entailed a 5% increase compared to the 6.2 million bags produced between January and June 2015.
Similarly, during the past twelve months (July 2015-June 2016), coffee production increased 13% by reaching nearly 14.5 million 60 kilo bags. So far this coffee year (October 2015-June 2016), nearly 10.7 million bags have been produced, leading to a 12% increase compared to the 9.5 million 60 kilo bags produced between October 2014 and June 2015.
Production June 2016
(60 kilo bags)
June 2016 |
1.158.000 |
June 2015 |
1.240.000 |
Variation |
-7% |
Production Year to Date
(60 kilo bags)
January- June 2016 |
6.540.000 |
January - June 2015 |
6.246.000 |
Variation |
5% |
Production Twelve Months
(60 kilo bags)
Julio 2015- June 2016 |
14.469.000 |
Julio 2014- June 2015 |
12.847.000 |
Variation |
13% |
Production Coffee Year
(60 kilo bags)
October 2015 - June 2016 |
10.684.000 |
October 2014 - June 2015 |
9.548.000 |
Variation |
12% |
Colombian Coffee Exports Drop
Colombian coffee exports also decreased during June 2016. Total coffee exports reached 932 thousand 60 kilo bags, entailing a 7% decrease compared to the 1.6 million bags exported during June 2015.
Year to date exports increased 3% by reaching a total of 6.1 million bags. During the past twelve months (July 2015-June 2016), coffee exports totaled 12.9 million 60 kilo bags, representing a 12% increase compared to the 11.5 million bags sold in international markets during the same previous period.
Similarly, so far this coffee year (October 2015-June 2016), coffee exports reached 9.5 million bags. This represents a 7% increase compared to the 8.9 million bags exported between October 2014 and June 2015.
Exports June 2016
(60 kilo bags)
June 2016 |
932.000 |
June 2015 |
1.006.000 |
Variation |
-7% |
Exports Year to Date
(60 kilo bags)
January 2016 - June 2016 |
6.057.000 |
January 2015 - June 2015 |
5.869.000 |
Variation |
3% |
Exports Twelve Months
(60 kilo bags)
Julio 2015 - June 2016 |
12.901.000 |
Julio 2014 - June 2015 |
11.521.000 |
Variation |
12% |
Exports Coffee Year
(60 kilo bags)
October 2015 - June 2016 |
9.537.000 |
October 2014 - June 2015 |
8.914.000 |
Variation |
7% |