New Yorkers For Beverage Choices Reaches 300,000 Members

Sept. 26, 2012

New Yorkers for Beverage Choices continues to gain strength in numbers, increasing to more than 300,000 coalition members. More than 50,000 New Yorkers have registered their opposition by joining the coalition since the September 13 Board of Health vote that imposed restrictions on the size of soft drinks permitted to be sold in certain city business establishments.

"This isn't a game of chicken," said Liz Berman, chairwoman of New Yorkers for Beverage Choices, in a prepared statement. "We aren't jumping out of the way just because the Board of Health rubber-stamped the Mayor's ban on soft drinks. In growing numbers, New Yorkers are standing up for small businesses in the city that will be harmed by this arbitrary policy that puts them at a competitive disadvantage."

"This restriction on choice has passed, but not with the support of New Yorkers," said Eliot Hoff, spokesperson for New Yorkers for Beverage Choices. "We are still looking into every option to ensure that this ban does not go into effect in March."

For more information or to join the coalition, visit


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New York City Health Board Supports Proposed Ban On Large Size Sugary Drinks

June 13, 2012
New York City's Board of Health signaled strong support Tuesday for the mayor's plan to fight obesity by banning the sale of large, sugary beverages at local restaurants.