Tennessee Group Seeks Anti-Obesity Measures, Including Soda Tax

Oct. 26, 2011
The Tennessee Obesity Task Force wants to ensure that all schools are complying with the state’s 90-minutes-a-week mandate for physical education, enact a tax on sugar-sweetened soft drinks, and increase fines for speeding in school zones.

The Tennessee Obesity Task Force wants to ensure that all schools are complying with the state’s 90-minutes-a-week mandate for physical education, enact a tax on sugar-sweetened soft drinks, and increase fines for speeding in school zones, according to The Tennessean in Nashville, Tenn. For the full story, click here

Editor’s Insight: There are a lot of good aspects to this initiative, but the proposed tax on sugar sweetened beverages isn’t one of them. The tax will disproportionately affect the consumers who can least afford it.

The refreshment services industry needs to join forces with other groups to eliminate this proposed tax. 10-26-11 By Elliot Maras