Heartland Payments Talks About How EMV Liability Is Increasing Chargeback Fees

Feb. 17, 2016

In a recent blog, Heartland Payments highlights how fraud works with EMV cards and what happens when a retailer, including a vending operator, doesn’t have a working EMV reader. 

Since the liability shift in October 2015, EMV dispute codes have been showing up on operator statements resulting in chargeback fees – vending has been among the hardest hit industries, according to the source. High risk areas are: Texas, New York, California, Florida, Illinois and New Jersey, as well as large cities/populated areas, college towns and foreign cards/border areas. 



Heartland Payment Systems

July 1, 2009
Heartland opened its doors in 1997 with a simple plan: provide fair-deal, fully disclosed payments solutions and advocate for business owners.