USAT Blog: Observations From Money 20/20

Nov. 13, 2015

The payment world is evolving. This message was loud and clear for USA Technologies who recently returned from the Money 20/20 Conference—a conference and trade show that brings together companies at the intersection of mobile, retail, marketing services, data and technology. 

USAT shared their top 5 take-a-ways from this glimpse into the payment industry's future. 

  1. Small businesses are driving innovation and are largely undeserved. 
  2. Mobile payments better connect consumers and businesses — it is predicted that mobile payments will grow 3x over 2015 to $27.1 billion.
  3. Bitcoin joins the fray — banks, not just startups, are starting to see Bitcoin benefits.
  4. Wearables join in — payments can be made via smart watches as well as jewelry.
  5. Biometrics become real solutions for fraud protection—eye retina scans, voice patterns and fingerprints provide an extra layer of protection against fraud in payment options.

The event, which drew more than 10,000 attendees, took place in Las Vegas, NV, from Oct. 23 to 26. Read the full blog here.