City Coin Vending Services Makes The Move to Seed Office™, The Cloud & Mobile VMS From Cantaloupe Systems

July 20, 2015
San Francisco, CA – July 20, 2015 – Cantaloupe Systems, the vending industry’s premier provider of cloud-based, mobile technologies that deliver an integrated end-to-end vending solution, today announced that one of Canada’s largest vending operators, Calgary-based City Coin Vending Services Ltd. has adopted Cantaloupe Seed Office as its vending management system (VMS) of choice. The move replaces City Coin’s current antiquated VMS solution, fulfills their mandate to offer their customers the latest innovations in vending, and brings the power of mobile technologies to field technicians and drivers to better service their customers.“One of our company’s core values is to be at the forefront of technology when it comes to how we interact with and service our customers,” said Shane Burleigh, General Manager, City Coin. “We’ve had our current piece-meal solution for about six years now and it just wasn’t working for us any more.Our VMS provider was still running in a client/server configuration with a partial cloud offering; their development cycle was slow; and their customer support was virtually non-existent.By making this move to Cantaloupe, we’re confident that we’ve chosen the most mature and modern solution out there.We really feel that Cantaloupe is our partner in this and not just our vendor – that makes a huge difference to us.”Seed Office is an easy-to-use, cloud-based vending management system (VMS) for managing commissions, taxes, warehouse, cash accountability and other back office tasks. Seed Office includes the Seed Mobile™ driver handheld app for iPhones, iPads, or under-$200USD iPod Touch devices. Winner of a NAMA Innovation Award, Seed Mobile replaces expensive and slow traditional brick-like vending handhelds. Optimized for one-handed operation, Seed Mobile helps drivers service more machines in less time, and it includes features like Video Audit™ for cash accountability and Photo Audit™ for avoiding expensive field audits.“With more than 1,100 machines, 6 routes, and OCS serving 250 plus customers, we needed a solution that was fully baked that offered all the technology advantages available today. Seed Office’s mobile optimization was a big deal for us – you can’t stand in front of a customer holding a decades-old brick device and claim to be ‘modern’,” remarked Mr. Burleigh. “Having integrated cashless payments as an option was a key decision factor for us too.  Once Canada’s regulatory agencies give the green light to popular mobile payment solutions, we’ll make that move as well.”"We are so thrilled to partner with City Coin who is clearly a leader in bringing ongoing innovation to their customers.  Every time we help a customer achieve greater efficiencies in their business and find ways to increase their route sales, we know we've done our job well.  That is hugely satisfying.  Our investment in IoT, cloud and mobile technologies continue 
to push on our vision to realize a new way to smarter vending,” commented Terry Hovis, Customer Success Manager, Cantaloupe Systems.