Vendtek Wholesale Equipment in Wixom, Mich., is planning its 2013 open house Aug. 22, 2013, from 11:00 am to 6:00 pm, which will also be the launch of its new micro market system - Market Fresh Systems.
Market Fresh Systems is an exclusive micro market that Vendtek is distributing throughout the Midwest after the official launch date of August 22. "The system itself is not new as it’s been around for many years and is a proven success, however, in different applications,” said Vendtek President Tom St. Germain in a prepared statement. “We feel offering vending operators a micro market system through distribution will help eliminate much of the reluctance by operators to take the leap. Distribution can provide the hands on training, step by step set-up and installation and then the ongoing support and financing that is required - all from a local office."
"We wanted to set our open house as a mini NAMA if you will, so as to allow those operators that couldn't attend in Las Vegas, an opportunity to see all the latest and greatest featured at NAMA,” St. Germain added. “Aside from the micro market from Market Fresh Systems, we'll be featuring new products by USA Technologies, Cantaloupe Systems and Vendscreen. Of course all of the State of Art Equipment from Crane Merchandising Systems, Fastcorp, USI, Dixie Narco, Royal and Seaga will all be shown as well, along with the manufactures reps. Free food, free industry technology, free prizes - all in driving distance. Today's operators can't afford to miss it!"
For more information call Vendtek at 1-800-207-7763.