National Beverage Corp. reports strong 2021 Q1 results

Sept. 16, 2021

National Beverage Corp. (Nasdaq: FIZZ), maker of LaCroix sparkling water and other soft drinks, reported strong financial results for its first quarter of 2021, ended Jul. 31, 2021.


  • Net sales increased to $311.7 million, compared with first quarter of 2020, ended Aug. 1
  • Gross profit was $124.8 million.
  • Gross margin was 40%.
  • Operating income was $70.3 million or 22.6% of sales.
  • Earnings per share was $0.58, up from $0.55 for the prior year.

“Considering the headwinds that we faced, our financial results for the first quarter reflect extraordinary execution..." a National Beverage Corp. spokesperson said.

"Although labor, raw material and transportation availability issues impacted our ability to meet customer demand, we were able to increase sales over last year’s pantry-loading spike while maintaining the margins posted for our previous ‘best ever’ quarter," the NBC official added.

Click here to see the company's full press release and consolidated results tables.

Ranked the fifth-largest beverage soft drink company in the U.S., Ft. Lauderdale, FL-based National Beverage Corp. was founded in 1985. Its brands include Shasta, Faygo, Rip It and Mr. Pure, along with Ohana Punch, Big shot, Crystal Bay and Cascadia Sparkling Clear, among others.


[Photo: National Beverage Corp.]
National Beverage La Croix

National Beverage Corp. net sales rise 10% in Q3 2021; LaCroix drives gains

March 12, 2021
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