Oldest Incorporated State Charter, TMVA, To Honor Past Presidents At Annual Conference

Aug. 28, 2018

The Texas Merchandise Vending Association (TMVA) is officially the oldest documented Incorporated State Charter of NAMA with an establishment date of June 26, 1951.   

“We reached out to Texas Secretary Of State’s office and were elated to get this verification," said Charley Nelms, current TMVA president. "NAMA has documented this in their records. It is indeed an honor, one we don’t take lightly."  

In celebration of being the oldest state charter, TMVA is paying tribute to the 15 past TMVA presidents at this year's annual conference, taking place at Moody Gardens Resort in Galveston, TX, Sept. 26 to 28, 2018. All 15 will be in attendance. 

“TMVA has forged a strong emotional tie with our past presidents, who led us to our firm conviction of serving our industry," added Nelms.  

The conference this year will also host 10 industry guest presenters to address all attendees -- a who’s who of industry professionals. This is the 67th annual conference. More information is available at http://tmva.org.