MZB Group: Fundraising Campaign With A Coffee In Timisoara To Help Abandoned Children

May 22, 2018

Massimo Zanetti Beverage Group has always been sensitive to social issues - especially those involving children and is now proud to announce the fund raising campaign currently carried out in Timisoara by Massimo – new restaurant concept of the Group - and its local partner Ovidiu Samoila. 

During the whole month of May, for every cup of coffee sold, 30 cents will be donated to the project “A mother also for me” promoted by Bambini in Emergenza Foundation, an Italian non-profit association active in Romania. 

The aim of the project is to provide an economic contribution to the hosting families who take care of the abandoned minors, previously fostered at the Andreea Damato Pilot Centre of Singureni and to eventually find a real family for them. 

“I believe that for MZB Group it is very important that it does not limit itself to just making business. People working in our company, our partners and our customers form a community that, if commited to a cause, can make miracles happen. We initiated this CSR project of supporting the Andreea Damato Pilot Center together with Fondazione Zanetti Onlus and the owner of Massimo - Timisoara because it is (like Massimo itself) a very good example of cross-national collaboration that works, and that can be a source of inspiration for those who try to build a better future for us and for our children” says Csaba Salamon, COO MZB Services Ltd. 

For any coffee product you buy, we will donate 30 eurocents to the Bambini in Emergenza Foundation – Andreea Damato Pilot Center from Singureni, the only placement center in Romania authorized and dedicated to caring for abandoned children suffering from acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS).  

Let's make together Romania a better place!