Self-Service Kiosks Thrive: Expect Continued Growth

May 14, 2018

The self-service kiosk industry has become a thriving, global business. reports that in 2016, the American interactive kiosks market generated $717 million in revenue, 30 percent of which came from food and beverage kiosks. This was the largest share of total revenue of any category.  

The modern kiosk is being used in micro markets, restaurants and food business, as well as in other less conventional instances. For example, in China, consumers can buy whole, live crabs from self-serve kiosks, and in Seattle, vending machines sell diverse items from juice to legal marijuana.  

Kiosks are easy for consumers to interact with. One study found that consumers spend 30 percent more when they order through self-service kiosks, in accordance with This means that using kiosks can automatically boost a business' bottom line.