Venue Fresh Markets To Expand To 50 Office Locations In Los Angeles & Orange County By Year’s End
Source Venue Fresh Markets
With human resources and facility managers driving growth, Venue Fresh Markets, the micro market division of Gourmet Coffee Service, is on pace to have 50 locations across Los Angeles and Orange County, CA, by the end of 2015. “We are hearing from human resources and facility managers focused on offering healthy options to their employees,” said Jennifer Ridnour, client relations manager for Venue Fresh. “Think of it as a convenience store, with a customized menu, dropped into a large office setting.”
A vast selection, modern look, and ease of use has fueled growth. Healthy food choices offered at reasonable prices, from fresh salads and wraps to yogurt and fresh fruit, keep employees coming back for more. Venue Fresh Markets, using Avanti technology, currently operates 30 locations with an emphasis on food quality and creative menu choices. This formula makes Venue Fresh Markets the premier choice for mid-large sized office environments.
“Vending machines are quickly becoming obsolete in offices with over 150 employees,” said Venue Fresh Markets VP, Bob Tullio. “We are providing quality choices for breakfast, lunch and dinner at no cost to the employer. Our selections are far superior to what vending machines can offer and as a result, our clients are providing a wonderful amenity to their employees.”