Illinois Community College Asked For New Vending Product Labeling, Students Cared More About Pricing

April 17, 2015

Vending machines look a little different at the College of DuPage, a two-year community college in Glen Ellyn, IL. Under a new contract with its previous vending service provider, ACE Vending, the campus vending equipment now labels products as  “Go! (for healthy items), Slow! (items that are somewhat healthy) or Woah! (less healthy items like candy and cookies), according to the student newspaper The Courier. There are also touchscreens on the machines that show nutritional content of the items. While school administrators hoped the new Go! Slow! Woah! Program would encourage more positive food choices, students are upset by the price increase of the vending products. All items in the machine are priced equally at $1.25, minus gum which is 75 cents, according to the source. Students aren’t aware of why prices went up. School administrators say its due to getting new equipment and based on the economy.