EVA Publishes European Vending Market Report, 60 Percent Of European Vending Machines Are Hot Drink Machines

March 7, 2014

The European Vending Association has published its latest vending market report. The newly published report provides an in-depth look into European vending, analyses the key performance indicators (KPIs) and reveals the current trends seen in industry.

While the report does acknowledge that vending in certain countries has stagnated or declined as a result of the recession, it clearly indicates that there is still room for growth overall.

Specifically, the report includes data on the vending turnover of various countries, fieldbase and market value by type of machine, and sales volumes (vends) for each machine category.  The statistics below provide a brief insight into the facts revealed in the studies:

•The machine fieldbase in Europe is 3.77 million machines, with a total turnover of €11.3 billion.

•The “Big 6” countries (Italy, France, Germany, UK, Spain and the Netherlands) account for 80 percent of the total machine fieldbase.

•The Netherlands has the highest penetration of vending machines per person, while the lowest machine penetration is seen in Russia.

•60 percent of European vending machines are hot drinks machines.

The EVA members have free and full access to the European summary and the individual country profiles, and can download them from the EVA members-only webpage. 

Anyone interested in purchasing or acquiring the studies should visit the EVA Website for more information: http://www.vending-europe.eu/en/market-studies/.