Fresh Healthy Vending International, Inc. announced its first partnership contract with an existing franchisee for the operation of up to 60 corporate-owned healthy vending machines within a 25-mile radius of Clearwater, Fla. As part of the company’s corporate owned operations division, announced last month, the machines will be owned by Fresh Healthy Vending and maintained by franchisee partners Lisa Howard and Thomas Dodd.
Business partners Howard and Dodd are current Fresh Healthy Vending franchisees, owning and operating 17 machines at multiple locations throughout the area. With the new service agreement, Howard and Dodd will complement their already established franchise by servicing the new machines, which Fresh Healthy Vending anticipates placing throughout 2014.
“Lisa and I firmly believe that Fresh Healthy Vending is doing exactly the right thing at the right time, with the way our society is currently and is projected to be down the line,” said Dodd, in a prepared statement. “We live in a country with a 35 percent obesity rate and studies show that the next generation will have even more health issues than ours, attributed to diet. Getting involved now to step in and offer a healthy vending alternative to our community is more important to us than ever before.”
As servicers, Howard and Dodd will be in charge of maintaining and stocking the anticipated 60 machines, once placed. Fresh Healthy Vending retains ownership of the machines and location contracts. Fresh Healthy Vending will collect 100 percent of the machines’ revenue and pay the service partner a percentage of the net profits based on each machine’s performance each month. The more revenue a machine achieves, the more the service partner is entitled. This enhances revenue for existing franchisees that already have their operation and servicing in place for existing franchised routes.
Location procurement handled by Fresh Healthy Vending has begun and will continue until all 60 units have been placed throughout the area.
Nick Yates, vice president of corporate operations, said, “To grow our corporate owned division we are seeking partnerships with already established, successful franchisees all over the country. Lisa Howard and Thomas Dodd are the ideal partners for us. They are proactive, like-minded and they advocate our brand in every way. The decision to partner with them was a no-brainer. Most importantly, they know how to make a vending location successful. Why not team up and profit together? The corporate owned division of Fresh Healthy Vending allows us to now operate our own machines locally in San Diego and partner with already established franchisees, of which we have over 200 nationwide. To accelerate expansion of this division we are also now looking to acquire established vending routes and then convert those from unhealthy to healthy. Our infrastructure allows us the ability to grow this quickly, both organically and by acquisition.”