Lindbergh, Mo. Schools Stay Fiscally Strong, Meet Healthy Food Mandate

June 28, 2011

Lindbergh, Mo. schools will avoid a steep financial hit from school meals this coming year, after state and federal mandates ordered more healthy food in school cafeterias, according to The Affton-Shrew Patch in Affton-Shrewsbury, Mo.

For the full story click here.

Editor’s Insight: This school district’s experience is instructive to other school districts struggling with wellness programs.

The district organized a parents’ committee which developed nutrition standards. The foodservice provider, Chartwells, promoted the healthy options on the menus using visual elements and emphasized the importance of nutrition.

Kids did not opt for the healthier options immediately, the article notes. Changing kids’ habits takes time. 06-28-11 by Elliot Maras