California Lawmakers Amend Nutrition Requirements For State Properties

June 13, 2011

AB 727, introduced by California Assembly Member Holly Mitchell, D-Calif., has been amended to require that, by 2016, 50 percent of products in vending machines on state property comply with the nutritional standards outlined in state law, according to the National Automatic Merchandising Association.

The bill previously required that 100 percent of products comply by 2016. Current law requires that 35 percent of products in vending machines on state property comply with these nutritional standards.

The bill will now come back before the committee for a vote on the amendments.

The California Automatic Vendors Council will continue to oppose the bill arguing that the current requirements are adequate and that imposing these restrictions places the vendors at a competitive disadvantage when cafeterias and other food outlets on state owned property will be allowed to continue to sell the same snack and beverage items without the restrictions imposed on vending operators. For more information, contact Sandy Larson at [email protected] 


California Automated Vending Council (CAVC)
California Automated Vending Council (CAVC)
State associations

California Automatic Vendors Council

May 7, 2009
The California Automated Vending Council (CAVC), is an organization founded to protect the vending and office coffee service industry in California.