Bob Tullio’s Product Perspective: Vendstop Develops a Touch Free Delivery Door Solution for Vending Machines

Sept. 15, 2020

Bob Tullio’s Product Perspective: A Closer Look At Products, Equipment And Services That Will Impact An Operator’s Business  

The product: Vendstop’s Touch Free Vending System

One of the lasting memories of my trip to India is watching the incredible sea of humanity that flows out of the commuter trains at the Mumbai Railway Station. Many were wearing masks in that train station long before the pandemic arrived.

India is a country that wants and needs to limit touch points. Ankit Shah, Founder of Vendstop, India’s leading independent vending machine manufacturer and distributor, is doing his part to “limit the spread.” His new product, Vendstop’s Touch Free Vending System, is generating brisk sales in India and is now getting worldwide attention.

Developed to meet client demand

I first met Ankit Shah in a taxi line at The NAMA Show in Las Vegas. While touring India, it became obvious to me that Vendstop is a prominent player in India’s fast-growing vending market. Demand from his large customer base got Shah thinking about how to make a touch free delivery door for a vending machine.

“We were contacted by many operators asking for a delivery door solution, especially for public locations, where sanitizing would be less frequent,” said Shah. “While payment and product selection apps were readily available, the customers wanted to avoid touching the delivery door or the delivery tray. They often asked if there was a way to have the delivery tray pull out.”

Rather than re-manufacture a vending machine, Shah brainstormed with his manufacturing team to develop a solution. Inspired by hand sanitizer dispensers that were operated by a foot lever, Shah and his team developed the Vendstop Touch Free Vending System, a simple and cost-effective solution. Shah is currently in the process of patenting the device.

Simple, adjustable and affordable

Shah’s device can be adjusted to work with just about any vending machine. The end user activates the foot lever and the delivery door opens, allowing the customer to remove the item without touching the delivery door or the machine itself.  Watch it work on this 8 second video.

At $79.00 per unit, orders are flowing in from across India and Shah is fielding inquiries from Europe, Australia and is ready to ship the Vendstop Touch Free Vending System to the U.S.

“It is obvious that there is extreme interest beyond India in limiting touch points,” said Shah. “The majority of our product inquiries are coming in from operators in India who are serving clients with foreign management.”

“Larger operators are especially excited about fitting their machines because it gives them an immediate competitive advantage,” said Shah, who added that Vendstop can customize a Touch Free Vending System, working closely with an operator. “We will do everything we can to make this product work for European and American operators, where there is a wider variety of machines on the market,” he said.

Based on India’s response - Huge U.S. demand expected

Initially, Shah plans to ship the Vendstop Touch Free Vending System directly to operators, but said that if interest in his product is as big in the U.S. as it is in India, he expects to explore a distributor and possibly a broker relationship.

In addition to offices, Shah said that the Vendstop Touch Free Vending System will be a huge success in U.S. schools, hospitals, car dealerships, airports and other public locations. “People want to limit touch points everywhere and even after Covid-19 is gone, there will be a heightened sensitivity about avoiding surfaces and preventing the spread of illness,” said Shah.

Bob’s Perspective – Why the Vendstop Touch Free Vending System makes sense for operators

Client peace of mind – Every facility manager will tell you how important it is to eliminate touch points in the office. The Vendstop Touch Free Vending System is one more way to deliver some peace of mind and gain a competitive advantage. While payment and product selection apps are critical, the delivery door is still a looming touch point.

Long term need – There is a strong demand for touch free products in the convenience services space and just about everywhere else. Touchless payment systems for vending, micro market apps, plus touchless coffee systems and water dispensers are all becoming part of the safety protocol. Touch free products are here to stay.

Reputation and support – Ankit Shah and Vendstop enjoy an excellent reputation in India. His company has grown rapidly over the past several years and he is committed to customer satisfaction. “We will guarantee that the product will adjust properly and work successfully,” said Shah. “Our team will provide dedicated support if needed.”

Simplicity – Some of the best solutions are simple. That is certainly the case with the Vendstop Touch Free Vending System. According to Shah – operators in India are getting strong positive feedback.

Demand in public locations – The best vending locations, before, during and after the pandemic are high traffic public locations. If the Vendstop Touch Free Vending System works in the Mumbai Railway Station, it will be a shining star in schools, car dealerships, airports and other public venues in the U.S.

For operators – Low risk – big upside

When evaluating a product like the Vendstop Touch Free Vending System, an operator needs to ask two questions:

·      Could the Vendstop Touch Free Vending System be the difference between keeping and losing an existing location?

·       Could the Vendstop Touch Free Vending System be the difference maker when competing for a new location?

For a $79 investment, the upside to this simple touchless solution is hard to ignore.

To learn more or place an order, contact Ankit Shah

Phone: +91 97277 97092

Email:   [email protected]

Industry consultant Bob Tullio ( is a Vending Market Watch Contributing Editor and a content specialist who advises operators in the convenience services industry on how to build a successful business from the ground up. Tullio just launched a You Tube Channel, b2b Perspective, designed to “elevate your business in 2 minutes” and is currently developing an online course, “Leverage the power of LinkedIn to grow your business.”

As he is a recognized industry expert in business development and sales, NAMA hired him to write and narrate the new online course, “Selling Convenience Services,” which is now available. Use discount code B2B10 for an instant discount and for free access to upcoming Q & A Webinars from Tullio in the coming months. Here is a free sample of the course.