Refreshment Solutions' Chris Perret Named 2015 Route Driver Of The Year Q4 Winner

Dec. 16, 2015

Chris Perret goes the extra mile for his customers and his company. When the 13-year veteran route driver for Refreshment Solutions was recently running a route, another driver become ill in the field so after finishing his route, Perret went and completed the other driver’s route, too. “This to me just demonstrates his dedication to Refreshment Solutions as well as dedication to customer service,” said Chris Necaise, route driver manager for the Norco, LA-based vending company.

Perret, the 2015 Fourth Quarter Route Driver of the Year award winner, puts his customers and company first by ensuring that his machines are stocked, clean and working. He fills in for other route drivers and even learned all of the company’s routes. He embraces changes such as technology innovations and micro markets without hesitation or complaint. “He just does it all and he does it well,” said Necaise. “Chris is an all around top notch route driver.”

Many roles

Perret understands the importance of customer satisfaction and is determined to never let a client down. This past summer the company had a large turnaround at one of its biggest accounts. “Chris worked tirelessly to provide service to customers, and this included servicing some machines twice in one day,” recalled Necaise.

But it’s not just vending that Perret handles. In fact, he services office coffee and micro market accounts in addition to vending, which Necaise notes, takes a large amount of flexibility and different skill sets. Perret learned all 25 routes the company operates so that he could fill in as a swing driver, oftentimes traveling between 2,000 and 2,500 miles each week to ensure that his customers don’t encounter empty shelves or spirals.

No matter what, Necaise says, Perret’s machines are always cleaned, filled and working. “He is continuously at the top of our boards for machines filled daily/weekly. Also in field inspections of his machines we never find any issues with cleanliness. Products are always tucked properly in spindles and we don’t encounter any route driver caused issues.”

A company man

What Necaise appreciates most about his best route driver is the fact that he can rely on Perret to get the job done. “He has never missed work and he doesn’t complain. Any challenge he encounters he overcomes,” said Necaise. Perret is a great role model for other drivers, too. “I wish I had 10 more like him.”

When it came to nominating a route driver for this award, Necaise knew no one more deserving. “Chris deserves this award because of his constant drive to satisfy the customer,” concluded Necaise. “He has a great work ethic and is loved by his customers. He goes above and beyond on a daily basis to provide our customers with the best service.”