Packaged Facts: Global Breakfast Cereal Market At $35 Billion And Growing
Source Packaged Facts
ROCKVILLE, Md., Feb. 18, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- American dietary influences are strong worldwide, which has led to an increasing focus on the Western diet. As a result, many historical staples of the U.S. diet – including breakfast cereals – are seeing growth in global markets where penetration was previously limited. For breakfast cereals in particular, the spread of the Western diet has helped create a $35 billion global breakfast cereal industry, according to market research firm Packaged Facts in the report Global Breakfast Cereals.
"Today, breakfast cereals are consumed throughout the world, creating new opportunities for brand owners in once-unlikely places," says David Sprinkle, research director for Packaged Facts.
Examples of the international spread of cereal includes global market leaders such as Kellogg and Nestlé expanding their presence in developing Asia/Pacific and Africa/Mideast countries, where consumer unfamiliarity with cereal in general has historically been a barrier.
Going forward, the biggest driver of growth in the global breakfast cereal market will be the rising influence of Western dietary patterns in these developing countries. However, despite a long-term downward trend in more developed cereal markets, Packaged Facts forecasts that sales will remain strong because:
- Breakfast cereal consumption among children is increasing rapidly due to rising incomes and exposure to cereal products via advertisements in countries – such as Brazil, China, and Nigeria – where Western influences are stronger among younger demographics.
- Shifting dietary preferences in developed markets such as North America and Europe are driving trends for gluten-free, keto-friendly, organic, and other niche breakfast cereals, which include more expensive ingredients – such as whole grains, quinoa, and nutritional additives such as protein and fiber – that can increase the value of products.
About the Report
Global Breakfast Cereals covers the scope, size, and growth of the global market for breakfast cereals, including trends in key market segments. Historical data are provided for 2010, 2013, and 2018, with forecasts to 2023. Breakfast cereal data are provided in U.S. dollar terms. Also included are analyses of consumer, marketing, and product development trends affecting the global breakfast cereal market, as well as cultural trends governing breakfast-eating habits across the world.
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